Split tunnel for local LAN redirect not working

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

Local split tunnel does not… split: traffic still goes through Cloudflare

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have tried nslookup-ping the domains, but it seems I am still resolving through Cloudflare.
Traffic to the domain is still apparently going through Cloudflare, which I can verify since I see the traffic outgoing on my router.

I have tried setting the split tunnel on instead (my desktop) for testing, with no change.

I have tried resetting the ingress tunnel setup and even reinstalled cloudflared on my server (

I have waited 24h for any changes to properly propagate.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

I have a cloudflare tunnel setup to redirect an URL which I own (let’s say application.example.com) to my server (which houses cloudflared), on port 1234:
This works very well, but i’d like to avoid the roundtrip to the Cloudflare network when inside the LAN.
Thus I setup a split tunnel: it is set to Exclude, with range
In my understanding, this should prevent all local traffic to application.example.com from going through Cloudflare, instead going directly to

However, from my testing this is not happening.


If you add the IPCIDR to the exclude list then the traffic would be excluded. check this link here: Split Tunnels | Cloudflare Zero Trust docs i also think this link would help solve connectivity issues: Common issues | Cloudflare Zero Trust docs

That’s what I did:

Sorry, is that not what I should do in your opinion?

I’ll check out the troubleshooting link, thanks


Might the reason be that I’m not actually using WARP, but instead the server is running cloudflared?
Do split tunnels only work with WARP?


oh dammit. Is there no way to do this with cloudflared? From what I see WARP does not even have a docker image yet