SPF permerror

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error message?

A “permerror” result means the domain’s published records could not be correctly interpreted. This signals an error condition that definitely requires DNS operator intervention to be resolved.

What is the issue you’re encountering

Unable to forward email

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

modify dns

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

This problem will occur when receiving emails from [email protected]

Screenshot of the error

Changing to “+all” does not solve the problem

Is this your domain?

If the sender domain is avatrade.com, any potential fixes of the SPF record MUST be applied on the domain avatrade.com.

Changing SPF record on the receiving domain’s side is NOT changing anything.

That is the worst you can ever do.

I will suggest changing it to “-all” immediately.

And if this is your domain, then you need to clean up the senders on your SPF record drastically.

If I can count correctly (and I’m not sure I can!) you have a million senders specified, including duplicates… leading to 35 lookups, far exceeding the maximum of 10.

Are you really using all these senders?

Wow, George, I had to check for myself, this is the first time I seen someone use 35 SPF Lookups , he need to use a tool like AUTO-SPF to flatten it out and test the results with an eMail Tester.