Speed reduced on Cloudflare

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

slow speed and constant low referesh on mobile

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Changed the .htaccess file on my server

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

fireya.co.in is very slow after putting in cloudflare also while refreshing on mobile to desktop and visa versa the whole page reloads thus generating times upto 20 SECONDs its become a VERY VERY SLOW SITE www.fireya.co.in kindly help?

Hello there, I see the error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN on www.fireya.co

If you or your visitors experience DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN errors after you activate your domain on Cloudflare, review your DNS records in Cloudflare.

Thanks for you reply.
www.neevn.in and www.fireya.co.in are doing good … as of now kindly recheck.
If DNS PROBE NX Domain error is there what A record or subdomain is needed to be added.
2- In this part how can i BLOCK countries do I need a Pro Account? is Pro Account something good?

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Hello @chujjac

You don’t need a Pro account to use Cloudflare WAF Custom rules

Per Our Plans | Pricing the PRO account is ideal for professional websites that aren’t business-critical.