Sorry, you have been blocked error message. Our egress IP is being blocked

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the error message?

You have been blocked

What is the issue you’re encountering

Websites using Cloudflare blocking our egress IP

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Users visit websites and get blocked messages or “Press and hold” button.

Screenshot of the error

This is the other error message.

We have contacted the vendor about the blocked messages.

And that is the only way forward. If a Cloudflare customer has blocked you from accessing their website, Cloudflare really can’t override their settings because you asked nicely.

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I understand, this was the only avenue I was able to find to contact Cloudflare, we just found it too coincidental that our end-users cannot access sites that use Cloudflare all of a sudden.

I was blocked from two different websites using your cloudflare…I am searching for condos for sale in Philippines from the US…How can I get unblocked so I can use these pages??? I can access them on my phone but not on my computer…Please tell me how to get unblocked…Thank you…

As mentioned in the earlier reply, you need to contact the site operator. You can provide them with the Cloudflare Ray ID from the block page so they can identify why they blocked you.

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