Someone else's video in my files



What is the error number?

no error

What is the issue you’re encountering

A video is in my library that isn’t mine. I posted it 7 days ago and today I see a different video

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Seems to be a server issue. I did not change that video.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Just looking at my stream dashboard, one video has been changes and it’s not mine.

Are you sure you’ve selected the correct video when uploading?

Does anyone else has access to your CF account, or an API Token with which would be able to upload videos to your CF account remotely by using the API? :thinking:

If unsure, kindly review the Audit Logs for your CF account to determine any suspicious behaviour:

Just in case, you can rotate your credentials and API key if needed:

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