Some problem The zone name provided is subject to a hold which disallows the creati

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

When I am trying to add a site via add new site its throws error as following “The zone name provided is subject to a hold which disallows the creation of this zone. Please contact the domain owner to have this hold removed.”

Are you trying to add the domain back to the same Cloudflare account where it was used until 2024-07-18 (see

If so, note that the nameservers have changed…
…and you need to release the zone hold as here…

If you are trying to add to a different account, you need to contact whoever in your organisation has the original account and ask them to remove the hold.

If you have acquired the domain somehow then you will need to raise a support ticket so Cloudflare can verify with the account that placed the hold on the domain.

I bought this domain and I don’t have access to that account, can you delete it from that account?

Then you need to do this :point_up_2:

how to contact your support ?
can you give me your support e-mail

I am just a user, not staff. You can raise an Account ticket…


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