Some IPs that look abnormal are assigned

What is the name of the domain?

any new domains added by Chinese IP

What is the issue you’re encountering

Some IPs that look abnormal are assigned

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

I have two domains in my account, and I added another one, but the domain proxied by CDN was assigned too many IPs. My other domains would only be assigned two IPv4 and two IPv6, but this domain was assigned seven IPv4 and seven IPv6. As shown below
Then I tried to add this domain using another account of mine using a German IP. Two IPv4 and two IPv6 were assigned.
After searching, I confirmed that these IPs were blocked before. Unlike domains with two IPv4 and two IPv6, these seven IPv4 and IPv6 must appear in domains added by Chinese IPs. Even if the domain is accessed in the EU, it will not change. (Other domains will response IPs start with 2a while users are in the EU.)
I hope to know why these 14 IPs appear and whether it will have any impact.

It’s new that Cloudflare assigns 7 IPs to domains, but completely normal. I assure you it has nothing to do with being Chinese, some of my domains also get 7 IPs.


Thanks for your answer. In my understanding, Cloudflare normally randomly selects some IPs from an IP pool. However, the appearance of these 14 IPs is obviously not random. This confuses me.
On the other hand, as Cloudflare said in the blog, blocking IPs is not good, so. But I can’t control whether my “bad neighbor” will use this IP and cause it to be blocked. This non-random IP will undoubtedly be widely used, which means it is easier to be blocked than random IPs. This raises my concerns. It seems Cloudflare tried to solve this problem once.
Anyway, my confusion has been solved, at least my account has not been restricted. In my memory, I have never done anything against ToS. Although I only know the key points in it and have not read it in full. (`・ω・´)

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