Slider Revolution Background Video Doesn't Play On Mobile


I have an mp4 background hero video displayed via Slider Revolution. After routing the site through Cloudflare, the video doesn’t load at all on mobile devices, both Safari and FireFox.

Can anyone help out as to what might be causing this issue?

I can’t figure out how to edit this post, but the site is

Works on my end.

It first requests, which fails with a 404, then which works and displays.

I have the same problem. When I started using Cloudflare the video in the background does not play anymore on Safari and iPhone/iPad (Safari and Chrome). Video plays on Firefox on Mac/Win, Chrome (Mac, Windows, Android).
I have a replicate website without HTTPS on my server and a subdomain. This website is on Cloudflare as well but this website can play the video. I notice that the video link directly cannot be played on Safari on Mac. When I play the exact same video locally on Safari on Mac it does play so the video format is probably correct.

Test this by turning off Mirage. Then clear all caches (Cloudflare’s, and your browsers’). Then see if the background loads.

I don’t have pro so Mirage isn’t active

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