Slackbot-LinkExpanding Bot Not Identified as Verified Bot

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What is the issue you’re encountering

Slackbot-LinkExpanding bot is not being identified as a Verified Bot by Cloudflare.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Hello Community,

I’ve been using a Cloudflare Firewall Rule placed higher in the rules list than any other blocking or managed challenge rules to skip all WAF rules for Verified Bots. Previously, the Slackbot-LinkExpanding bot was functioning correctly with this setup and was being recognized as a Verified Bot.

However, I’ve recently noticed that the Slackbot-LinkExpanding bot is no longer being identified as a Verified Bot by Cloudflare. As a result, it’s being blocked or challenged by other security rules.

To temporarily resolve the issue, I’ve added another rule specifically for Slackbot-LinkExpanding to allow it to bypass the WAF rules. While this works, I believe this shouldn’t be necessary if the bot is properly recognized as a Verified Bot.


Has there been a change in how Cloudflare identifies Verified Bots, specifically the Slackbot-LinkExpanding bot?
Is the Slackbot-LinkExpanding bot still included in Cloudflare’s Verified Bots list?
What steps can I take to ensure that Slackbot-LinkExpanding is properly recognized without creating additional custom rules?
Additional Information:

My current rule to skip WAF for Verified Bots is configured as follows:

Action: Skip
Ruleset: WAF Managed Rules
This rule is placed at the top of my Firewall Rules list.

Other Verified Bots are still being recognized and handled correctly by this rule.

The issue with Slackbot-LinkExpanding started occurring recently, and no significant changes were made on my end before it began.

Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

What is the current SSL/TLS setting?

Full (strict)

Screenshot of the error