Skippable ads in Cloudflare Stream Player

No problem. We used Fluid Player:

<!-- Fluidplayer.min.js the header of page -->
  <script src=""></script>

<!-- video player in page body -->
<video id="player" style="width: 100%; height: auto;" poster="[insert poster image url]" preload="metadata">
      <!-- DASH-Playlist location -->
      <source src="https://customer-[insert Cloudflare customer-ID][insert Cloudflare video id] /manifest/video.mpd" type="application/dash+xml">
      <!-- HLS-Playlist location -->
      <source src="https://customer-[insert Cloudflare customer-ID][insert Cloudflare video id]" type="application/x-mpegURL">
        To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video.

<!-- Fluid video player SDK in footer -->
<script async>
    /* Initialize Fluid Player */
      /* Options */
        layoutControls: {

primaryColor: "#1d395a", // Customize the primary color
		preload: "metadata", // Default 'auto'
		fillToContainer: true,
		autoPlay: false, // Set to true if you want to auto play the video
		playbackRateEnabled: true,
		allowTheatre: false,
		controlBar: {
    autoHide: true,
    autoHideTimeout: 3,
    animated: true,
    posterImage: '[insert poster image url]',
    posterImageSize: 'cover' // Default `contain`
      	vastOptions: {
		vastTimeout: 5000, // Milliseconds to wait for VAST to load
		adList: [
				roll: "preRoll", // preRoll, midRoll, postRoll
					"[insert video ad url from ad server]",

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