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While it is true that many people here want to help, it is important to remember that other than the Cloudflare employees who have Cloudflare logos visibly adorning the border of their avatars, everyone here is a Cloudflare user just like yourself. One thing we all have in common is the use of Cloudflare.

We may not know your hosting platform. This means that sharing an arbitrary screenshot of its management interface and some performance gauges isn’t going to contain the same clarity of messaging to others that it does to you.

Generally, once the problem is identified as being with your hosting platform, the next step is to engage with their support to resolve your issues. This may be via the platform’s direct support if they have such an offering, or it could be through their Community. Those resources will be better equipped to advise how to best configure and manage their own platform.

In your case you have both your VPS on Google Cloud and your Cyberpanel in play in top of any standard elements in the underlying OS that is running on your VPS. I would probably start with the Cyberpanel resources. In searching their Community for Cloudflare 524 :search:, the following topics appeared to have some relevant guidance pertaining to response times in excess of 100 seconds.