Hi, my domain name registra is namecheap and i am deploying on digitalocean. I recently connected my domain name to Cloudflare so that i could have ssl protection.
I thought I set up my site to use Cloudflare. I wanted to use it to get SSL certs working. I updated my nameservers to the ones provided, but now I am getting
Generally, that is a propagation issue. But the actual issue is that your server is not configured for HTTPS. You definitely need to do that in order to have a secure site.
You need to configure your webserver to properly respond on port 443 and you need to configure a valid certificate. That could be, for example, a Cloudflare Origin certificate.
The certificate is correctly in place, but only trusted by Cloudflare’s proxies. This leads us back to what I mentioned earlier, that you have a propagation issue. Simply wait a few hours until your resolver updates.
Also, your HTTPS redirect seems to be broken on your server. You should fix that.