Since a month every websites with cloudflare (I have over 300) are really slow

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?

no error, but the PING with cloudflare its 27ms and without cloudflare its 2ms

What is the error message?

every website is slow

What is the issue you’re encountering

speed, ping, everything is slow

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Ive started to pause cloudflare

May I ask what steps for troubleshooting have you tried? :thinking:

How did you measure this?
Have you used different tools, online services or?
Have you got any feedback from your website visitors or users about this so far?

All of the websites are on the same server/origin host or?
Location of all of them is the same, or different from yours’?

The .mp4 video resource takes take tought :thinking:

I’d suggest remove them and instead of them place an optimized image.
They neither play in my Firefox (maybe due to the security feature of “autoplay” being blocked by default).

It seems you do have one type of the origin cache in between before Cloudflare’s cache, despite you’re not caching the HTML whilte CSS, JS and images are cached as expected:

x-endurance-cache-level: 0
x-nginx-cache: WordPress

cache-control: max-age=0

Your homepage weighs about 55MB, which is a pretty lot for your visitor to download and load time → 1min 40s for me:


I’ve paused cloudflare and my ping shows 2ms (in Im removing and pausing every one of my 320 clients with cloudflare and everything is working better, you can check this issue making a ping to (with paused cloudflare) and try another one with cloudflare as (with cloudflare activated) both using same server, same ssl, same theme, cloudflare was working perfect 1 or 2 moth ago and suddently everything’s started to work really bad.

If you can help me with just one domains as I will apply the changes to the other domain


Ping is not indicative of website performance. It’s not the same protocol.

Comparing both sites, their DYNAMIC home pages take about the same amount of time to load (Cloudflare’s is a little faster):

Cloudflare site:
* Connection #0 to host left intact
     time_namelookup: 0.227295s
        time_connect: 0.244884s
     time_appconnect: 0.267277s
    time_pretransfer: 0.267698s
       time_redirect: 0.000000s
  time_starttransfer: 0.850219s
          time_total: 1.127526s

Origin site:
* Connection #0 to host left intact
     time_namelookup: 0.061039s
        time_connect: 0.226597s
     time_appconnect: 0.411157s
    time_pretransfer: 0.411357s
       time_redirect: 0.000000s
  time_starttransfer: 0.590247s
          time_total: 1.405450s

Largest image from CF site’s home page is about 280k, so I compared a similarly sized image on other site’s home page. Cached Cloudflare response vs origin response:

* Connection #0 to host left intact
     time_namelookup: 0.004123s
        time_connect: 0.024880s
     time_appconnect: 0.053321s
    time_pretransfer: 0.053663s
       time_redirect: 0.000000s
  time_starttransfer: 0.086665s
          time_total: 0.134740s

* Connection #0 to host left intact
     time_namelookup: 0.002259s
        time_connect: 0.171191s
     time_appconnect: 0.350588s
    time_pretransfer: 0.351189s
       time_redirect: 0.000000s
  time_starttransfer: 0.526967s
          time_total: 1.220403s

The KS for the info. I’m trying to keep cloudflare because I want to offer the best service to my customers, I will do this, I’m uploading the same web ( in, same server, same template, same Images, so we could try what could be the reason why cloudflare Es slower in exactly the same web, that will be ready in 5hours.

Thanks y I will let you know when everything works fine, I really need to know what could be happening cause cloudflare make slower my designs

Hi I’ve done a lot a test in several domains, but today I’ve tried this (Ive cloned estudioideas) without cloudflare, the load of the page es very fast, the ping its 2mg with cloudflare, the load is very slow, the ping is over 27ms

Both are exactly the same web, same server, same design, same images, a clone.

So if you can help me to understandd why with cloudflare is very very slow I could try to fix every client’s account with cloudflare

If cloudflare is so efficient, then why this issue is happening, and not just me, Ive read a loto f members in my very same situation.


Where are you seeing these problems?

  1. What ISP / provider, preferably their AS number?
    The AS number can be found here:
  1. What country (and preferably state/region)?

What exactly are you doing, when you see this ping of 2 ms and 27 ms?

Can you share a step by step guide for that, so that we’re able to conduct the exact same test(s) you’re making?

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