I am sorry, I am not sure if there’s a general question forum. I don’t necessarily have an issue. I could swear there used to be bulk redirects in the 100s or 1000s to generate many subdomains, but I don’t think that exists anylonger on Cloudflare? Free plan seems to be capped at 20 URL reddirects now?
And so on… So every book has ~12 redirect subdomains… So it seems that the only way to achieve this is to upgrade to the pro plan? Or is there another way to do it? I don’t think I need anything from the pro plan aside from more subdomain redirects, since my Wordpress site is performing relatively Okay (for now). Should I upgrade, or is there another way to achieve this on the free plan?
For more, you can either upgrade, see if there is any way to use Redirect Rules to group them, or use a Worker (or a Snippet if on a Pro plan) to handle the redirects for you.
This way a single pattern like https://example.com/*/t*st can cover multiple URLs such as https://example.com/en/test, https://example.com/images/toast, https://example.com/blog/trust and so on.
Once you’ve captured a pattern using wildcard, you can then expand it to perform dynamic URL forwarding. For instance, the URL pattern https://example.com/*/t*st can redirect to https://${1}.example.com/t${2}st, ensuring that https://example.com/uk/test is forwarded to https://uk.example.com/test, https://example.com/images/toast to https://images.example.com/toast, and so on.