I would like to use activate file sharing on Synology nas, but a firewall is set up on the local network that blocks access to the nas from the external network. I have set up cloudflare tunnel to make services on the nas publicly accessible and would like to know if there is way to also make file sharing work?
May I ask how big files or how large would they be and sharing them over a HTTP(S), or some other way via some specific port or a service like rsync, SAMBA, FTP, etc.?
Then, in the Policies tab, create a Bypass rule (this is an example)
Save your application.
Once you’ve done this, you should be able to access your share file as long as your Synology share address starts with: https://your-domain-name.com/sharing/...
You can of course fine-tune the rules in Policies to authorize only certain people to access your service