Hey everyone, I am having a ton of errors in Google search control, I have no clue how to fix and I am not at all technical.
I did contact bluehost in regards to see if they could help but because my nameservers point at Cloudflare, they said that I need to contact Cloudflare.
This is the message I received additionally from bluehost – If I check the website, it is loading in HTTPS, but not in Green. That might be the reason the Google Console has those iossues. so the Cloudflare has the control over the domain.
So please check with them to see if they can do anything on this.
Additionally when I am logging into certain sections in Cloudflare I am seeing No subscription found error 1001.
Saying it is Cloudflare’s issue because you are using their nameservers (even if you actually routed requests through Cloudflare) is nothing more than an excuse and your host does, respectively should, know that.
I am not quite sure what the console you mentioned shows, but you should check the log files at your host and I am pretty sure it will show these errors.
yeah they just looked into all the logs and said they can see no errors. Told me to check gtmetrix and still of no help. My url is http://www.topdogsweepstakes.com
I am clueless as to what to do from here really.
I am fetching in google and some of them are resolving but some won’t resolve and say unreachable.
Can you post a screenshot of the Google Search Console errors? I’m not visualizing what’s going on, such as “not in Green.”
Don’t worry about the 1001 errors, lots of people are getting them and it doesn’t seem to be interfering with anything. Hopefully Cloudflare fixes it soon.
And these are the errors from the Google Search Console?
I did not check every single link, but most of them did return a 200, whereas some (mostly those with the p parameter) redirected to another page which then threw a 500 error. So some redirects might not work, but I didnt get any 404s.
Could it be you have anything in place that blocks Google from indexing your site?
Yes Sandro those are in my google search console. I wouldn’t have a clue about anything blocking google from indexing my site. I am really new to running a blog and using WordPress, so I’m definitely not technical at all.
Sdayman - those were a sample of the huge list of errors I am receiving.
Here is another sample list that shows up to June 1st.
These I just copied from the Url errors page in search console.
2018/05/14/top-dog-sweepstakes-ongoing-giveaway-linky/ 500
I just in the past hour got a notification from Yoast saying that my homepage cannot be indexed by google, it asked me to run a test in Ryte and its saying page partially loaded with additional errors.
These are what Ryte is showing
https://public-api.wordpress.com/wp-admin/rest-proxy/ Other Googlebot blocked by robots.txt
Ok, that list shows 500 errors, rather than the 404s from before. And 500s are caused by the server. Are those errors showing up in your server logs? How robust is your server? I can certainly see some servers refusing to cooperate with crawlers.
Google’s PageSpeed Insights certainly doesn’t seem to have any problems scanning your front page.
Have you or your users ever experienced a 500 error on your site?
Feel like a bit of a dummy in responding so bare with me lol, Where would I find server logs and would my server be Bluehost as that is who I use. I have not had one person say anything at all about errors. Just getting messages from Google that my site cannot be indexed properly.
There will probably be an Access Log with result codes (200=good, 404=not found, 5xx=broken) I’m not entirely sure about 5xx entries in the log. There should also be an Error Log that could be helpful.
I found the page with errors but there is nothing in the logs at all, am empty box.
Last 300 Error Log messages in reverse order: but nothing showing inside this box.
Wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that i am using Cloudflare would it?
Again not sure of anything at this point.
It makes sense that only the last URL has data, as the other two ultimately redirect to the last one.
Here’s a thought…it looks like you have a Loading app that bounces balls as the page loads. How about turning that off?
My last thoughts for the evening:
You didn’t mention if you or your users ever encountered a 500 error. It could be just some Google weirdness in the way they connect to your site.
Bluehost really needs to take their customers more seriously. They should be able to figure out that Cloudflare is reverse proxying your site and help track down these 500 errors.
I have had no mentions at all about any 500 errors from my users at all. Also when you say have an app that bounces balls on the page what do you mean? LOL
And thanks again for your thoughts. I appreciate any help I can get.