Resolve to the wrong site

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

Domain name resolved to illegal website

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Visit the website

May I ask if you’re the owner or visitor of the particular Website? :thinking:

There is no redirection happening, which is good.

The other issue, would be if the domain is pointed to a Web host where multiple domains resolve, however due to some misconfiguration, it loads wrong website instead of the correct one over the SSL (HTTPS) for the particular IP address.

May I ask what happens if you temporary Pause Cloudflare, if you’re the owner of the domain?

I own the domain, and I’ve set up a CNAME record to point the www subdomain to (a well-known personal page hosting service by Github). However, it has been inactive for years, so visiting it directly results in a 404 error.
Today, when I checked the subdomain, I found that it’s now pointing to an illegal website. Note that Cloudflare is still “resolving it to GitHub”. When I delete the CNAME record, the subdomain becomes unresolvable, but when I add it back, it still points to the illegal website.
I think this is a very serious issue. Hackers might have already infiltrated Cloudflare’s network, or they might have infiltrated GitHub. Either way, my domain is resolved by Cloudflare, so I hope Cloudflare’s experts can check to see if the problem lies with them. In any case, this is not a joke; it could involve a serious security vulnerability.

I am afraid of this, but if it’s your account, I’d suggest you to follow the steps from both GitHub and Cloudflare to recover the acces.

Maybe you’ve used Student package which expired?

The 404 error is provided by GitHub because my site is no longer deployed on GitHub Pages. However, the issue lies in the fact that the subdomain resolves to a site that should neither be provided by Cloudflare nor GitHub.
So I re-added the CNAME record and reported the error to ensure it’s properly investigated.

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