Hello, I have reported a child pornography domain multiple times using the abuse form. I was given the name of the host, but no further action was taken. The host itself seems to have situated themselves away from responsibility. They are emulating tactics that have been used by hosts like Novogara, a host that was known as “bulletproof” and notoriously allowed for illegal content on their networks. This leads me to believe the host in the case won’t do anything to take down the site. CloudFlare says that child pornography is against their terms, and that they can terminate accounts that violate the terms. I have mentioned this issue with the host, but have not received a response to that. Why are you continuing to give service a child pornography domain? I know you do not control the content, but you do have the ability to terminate the account. Why have you not done so?
EDIT: I HAVE reported this. I HAVE notified responsible authorities. I have contacted many organizations. No one is doing anything. CloudFlare is in a position to do something and they aren’t doing anything.