Removing a page rule setup by another user

Hi all,

I am having trouble removing a 301 redirect established by another cloud flare account on a specific domain. What should i do to remove that page rule?

Thank you,

What exactly do you mean by that?

Can you post the URL? is the URL which redirects to

And ritasaraci is not under your control?

It is under my control, but I cant find the source of the redirect.

Have you checked page rules? Are you possibly using workers? If neither of both performs the redirect you would need to check on your server.

Do the Cloudflare data established by other users transfer to new users that activate a domain? For example, assuming that the developer of the website created a page rule on his Cloudflare account under the domain, would that pagerule transfer to my account upon activating the domain?

Because my Cloudflare account does not have workers enabled, nor any pagerule active. Furthermore, siteground - where I have recently transfered the domain to does not have any redirects either. Its a bit confusing.

No, adding a domain anew should not migrate any earlier settings. If you dont have a page rule or workers the redirect most likely originate from your server. You can verify that by going straight to your server, bypassing Cloudflare.

Yes, that redirect originates from your server.


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Now, I do not have access to the server so I need to contact the person who does :frowning:

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