Remote Desktop Services Gateway

Does anyone know if it is possible to get Remote Desktop Services Gateway working through a Cloudflare Tunnel? I know it uses 443 to make the connection through Remote Desktop Connection.

I spent a lot of time trying to get this to work a while back and from everything i’ve been able to figure out and test it’s just not supported.

Did you ever have any luck with it?

Yes you can it works perfectly you need to use a RDP gateway i use a opensource gateway that connects over TCP only. But this works great i have several working setups with full passthrough. also i use a tunnel with http2 protocol instead of quic idk if it matters and you need to disable chunked encoding in the hostname setting.

I will have to look into it again, I couldn’t get it to work with Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Gateway.

If you change the setting in the rdclient file to only hit the 443 port, it works fine and you can enable proxy. You can then close off port 3389 on the server.