Registry hold / Domain owner

What is the name of the domain? (for example)

What is the error number?


What is the error message?

The zone name provided is subject to a hold which disallows the creation of this zone. Please contact the domain owner to have this hold removed.

What is the issue you’re encountering

We tried to add domain (we need only subdomain of it), but the domain was deleted automatically and now we can’t add it - we see error - The zone name provided is subject to a hold which disallows the creation of this zone. Please contact the domain owner to. But it seems like we were the owners. Now we can’t find domain or add it again.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Tried via API but not working.

Registrar issues require a Registrar ticket with Support


In what area can we help you?

Domain transfer to Cloudflare

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

  1. Try to register the domain
  2. Don’t update DNS records or nameservers
  3. Domain is automatically purged from your account
  4. Domain is locked and you can’t add it again to Cloudflare.

Screenshot of the error

May I ask if you’re the owner of the particular domain or not?

Furthermore, if the domain is added to an Cloudflare account and actively using Cloudflare, it seems to be that you cannot manage it, neither change the settings since the Zone hold is an Enterprise feature.

The feature seems to be enabled and even including the sub-domains which prevents you adding the sub-domain as well.

If you have contacts of someone who manages the domain, it might help you, otherwise I am afraid you’re out of luck here.

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