Hi guys i am a Cloudflare fans for the past many months and there service are awesome. And i would like to thanks for all there afford Cloudflare teams. Recently i have added a subdomains in my already existed and active domain but after waiting for many days i found that its not active yet. so i need your support regarding this through this community platform. I have followed all the instruction regarding adding a subdomains like going to DNS then adding a record with Cname and all. Please help me out when is it going to be active. Thanks.
What kind of error you see?
Keep in mind that you still have to create desired subdomains on your side.
This is the error i got
This site can’t be reached
shop.sahei.store’s server IP address could not be found.
- Search Google for shop sahei store
You need to manually add that domain do Cloudflare’s DNS page. If it’s on the same server as the main domain, then you would use the same DNS setting which would be an “A” or “CNAME” record.
I did that with the Cname adding the subdomain but till now nothing happened its not yet active
Same for me @tcbyte7 did you figure out the problem?
New records should become active immediately. Can you post a screenshot of that CNAME?
That CNAME should be have a Name of ‘shop’ (without the quotation marks) and a Value or whatever the shop hosting service instructs you to use.
Yes thats the mistake i have make so i change again so have to wait when it get active. thanks for the response.
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