Refund for supscription

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?

no error number

What is the error message?

no error message

What is the issue you’re encountering

I want a refund and cant find any way to contact billing

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

writing here, spending hours trying to find the process

Billing issues requre a Billing ticket with Support

don’t have one

In what area can we help you?


What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

this is so confusing - i want a refund - i have no experience here and need to downgrade based on server advice.

Questions about billing will need to be resolved by the Customer Support team and cannot be resolved on the Community.

To contact the billing team, please submit a new support request from your Cloudflare account directly through the Cloudflare dashboard. Visit and choose Billing.

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Thank you - but the whole thing is so confusing - it’s wrong to make it this difficult. I saw on previous community questions people asked about refunds and cloudflare answered. To spend hours simply trying to figure out how to communicate with them is the reason why i want out. But I appreciate your response. I’m really stuck.

What is complicated about the process?

In the top right corner of the dashboard, you find a big Support button. After you click on that, you have the option to Contact Cloudflare, from where you can submit your Billing ticket.

Sorry to bother you but how do you actually contact someone - the service has only kicked in - i want a refund and there is no where to actually email anyone to request this. It’s all automated so that I am stuck using a service i can’t use for a whole year.

Follow the steps for Looking for a subscription refund?

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Thank you, i appreciate this. Kim

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