Reduce Server Response Time Issue

I have done everything that I can to increase my website speed, and I am still getting a reduce server response time issue.

Shouldn’t Cloudflare solve this by serving a cached page? It doesn’t seem to help.

My website is if anyone can help. It has W3TC alongside Cloudflare.

Well it doesn’t seem to be so slow. It did 1.5s first view (1MB total) from a server 1000 km+ away with no local cache in the POP and 250ms repeated view with everything except for the base HTML cached in browser memory.

Successive repeated views with cache in the POP do 0.6s, it’s really quick!

I’m seeing the problem in google page speed insights, and it’s giving me a low score, which affects positioning in the serps

I do not see issues on Google’s Page Speed Insights…

Hmm. Neither do I now. Very strange.

Still getting it here though

Server responded in 0.43 seconds.

Slow server response
Google recommends a server response time of less than 200 milliseconds.

Strangely enough, after posting the first post above I got an email saying that my Cloudflare account was accessed from a new IP address.

Could a staff member have changed something?

Where is your origin located? It may be that Cloudflare’s POP near the service has not a cache of the page and needs to request it adding latency, a repeated view may solve the issue.

Well, check the IP, it may be yours that simply changed due to a modem restart/reconnect.

Both myself and the server are in the UK

The page hasn’t changed for a while so should have a cache

It’s a wordpress site, known for being a bit slow. You should cache the page w/in wordpress using a plugin like CometCache (preferred) or cache it on CloudFare.

It isn’t a given that the cache is there. It may have been purged due to space, it may not even have been saved in the first place (check you Cache-Control headers), it may not have been accessed.

Have added a cache everything page rule?

I am currently using W3TC, but it doesn’t seem to help much.

I don’t know how. Is it easy to do?

You need to go in the Page Rules section of the Dashboard, add a new rule that covers your domain https://*domain.tld/*, https://*.domain.tld/*or similar depending on what you want to cover.

After adding a rule, select cache and select Cache Everything.

Sorry for being a total dunce.
How can I cache everything for every page?
Do I have to enter every page url individually?

Exactly like a did, the * is a wildcard, so it covers all subdomains or pages that match it. If you read the pages I linked there are all the info you need explained really well.

It doesn’t show the asterisk when I post here so I’ll try to explain.

I’ve done, asterisk domain asterisk, cache level, cache everything.

I’ve left out the http and www as the article says if you don’t include them it affects them all.

Is that correct with an asterisk either side of and nothing else?

Try ** where is your domain.

Yes, it should be correct if it is like @thedaveCA said.

That’s what I did

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Then you are good!

Thanks. Hope it makes a difference