Yesterday my website wasn’t working. People from my hosting told me it had been redirected to somewhere else using .htaccess. So I was wondering, is it possible that it was redirected from Cloudflare to wherever it was?
If so, would please someone tell me how to avoid this? I have no idea about .htaccess, BTW.
Thank you for your help,
If this is an .htaccess issue you really best fix that on your server. Contact your web developer for that.
If you want to do this on Cloudflare, it might work but that would be rather a workaround than a fix. What’s the URL?
Yes it was fixed from the server, now it’s working.
So it’s not originated in Cloudflare? I mean, it was redirected somewhere.
I would like to be prepared for next time…
The URL is https://huyedetunarcisista.com (it’s in Spanish)
Thank you
.htaccess is purely a server-side configuration file of Apache. No relation to Cloudflare.
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