What you are adressing is a problem that does exist for years: redirecting on the root domain to WWW and HTTPS takes 2 redirects instead of one.
I have wrote about this somewhen in the past: HSTS & PageRule Problem
Which wasn’t very popular but the rootproblem is the same, weather you do it with “Always use HTTPS” or HSTS, the first redirect will solely be HTTP
without the WWW
If you turn off “Always use HTTPS” this will affect ALL subdomains aswell, so you want to keep it on.
What I would recommend is this PageRule:
Forward “
” to: (first try “302
” for testing!)
Which should do the trick, but will interfere with HSTS, since HSTS will be bypassed, as it normally would redirect to https://example.com/
first… there ATM is no perfect solution to this scenario, specially if you think bigger than just having the main domain, but also subdomains.