What is the name of the domain?
What is the issue you’re encountering
When the the template rule Redirect from WWW to Root is active calls to api endpoints loose content-type …/json
When the the template rule Redirect from WWW to Root is active calls to api endpoints loose content-type …/json
Sorry add a little context
Calls to https://domain.com work file, however calls to https://www.domain.com fail as the headers are stripped.
Is there anyway to not do this?
Got a repro url? A redirect just makes you go to a different URL but then it’ll still do a full request to that other one. So, I can’t see how it just drops if that URL does properly return json
Sorry no I don’t have a repo I can share.
Just checked the headers and any post data is not being redirected.
Is there anyway to retain this information in the redirect request?
I never realised there was a 308 redirect…
This has solved my issue as a 301 changes headers and post data 308 keeps it intact.
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