I’m able to redirect the cdn subdomain and root domain but not www
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I’m having an issue with a simple client redirect I’ve created. I’ve been able to set up a different redirect that redirects both the cdn subdomain and the root domain. It won’t redirect the www version, though. I set up the redirect (attached image) just to test www specifically and I can’t get this simple redirect to work either. I’ve posted the DNS setting for www that shows it’s proxied. Any ideas on how to resolve this? The www version of the website is the default version and it’s working fine.
Headers indicate you seem to be using BigCommerce. If so, as they use Cloudflare, make sure to point all DNS records to them using a proxiedCNAME to shops.mybigcommerce.com so requests pass through your Cloudflare account first and not direct to BigCommerce. Do not use any other CNAME or A/AAAA records to BigCommerce.
Thanks, sjr. That fixed the issue. The root was already pointing to shops.mybigcommerce.com, which enabled the orange-to-orange and why the redirects worked but www wasn’t. Changing this made the redirects work. Thanks for the help.