{redacted}, Team Cloudflare read this

Hi Team Cloudflare

This is {redacted}

I’m wondering you is possible to turn of this

coZ i don’t want to wait 5 seconds about getting into my page they disturb me every time and my friends also

i need that option on that attack mode because i’m afraid always about ddos attack and i want to have that on anti ddos protection always. could you help me solving this issue if is possible i will share your product for free. one ads cost 40 dollar for you will be free i will share any product of you for free no charges etc.

because i have 3 social network i need to protect it

one is this world1connect.tk
and this veplog.ml
and this shkodra24.ml

so i need protection of this social. so Please provide me one solution about this 5 seconds waiting is horror for me. Because if i want to modify something on my social network etc is not impossible after few minutes start again 5 seconds and again

Checking your browser before accessing world1connect.tk
This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly.

Please allow up to 5 seconds…

DDoS protection by Cloudflare
Ray ID: 53c7e4816a2190f7

If those are your sites and you don’t want the interstitial page presented, you need to turn off under attack mode from the overview tab of the particular site.


If you’re a visitor to the sites, you need to talk with the site owner about the issue.


But how then i can protect my site from attack ddos if i turn of that

is another way i can protect it without that 5 seconds rai id etc


your website is always protected with cloudflare, set your security level to high or medium for best protection without 5 second wait

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