Really weird 520 error

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the error message?

Web server is returning an unknown error

What is the issue you’re encountering

Hello, I have a pre-production site protected by Apache Basic Auth. Everything has been working for several years without difficulty. Since yesterday, the pre-production site no longer works for no reason, I have a 520 error on the entire site. The media (images, videos, etc.) are displayed correctly. In this site, I have a /test page that performs a simple php redirect to the home page. When I access this /test page, the entire site then works normally. I have nothing in my Apache logs. The site has been up for a long time, with the same Basic Auth. I tested on several browsers, in private browsing or not… Nothing works until I access this /test page for the first time (simple php redirect to the home page). I searched for several hours, without success. Do you have any idea? Thank you


Web server is returning an unknown error

Error 520 occurs when the origin server returns an empty, unknown, or unexpected response to Cloudflare.

As a resolution, Contact your hosting provider or site administrator and request a review of your origin web server error logs for crashes and to check for these common causes:

  • Origin web server application crashes
  • Cloudflare IPs not allowed at your origin
  • Headers exceeding 16 KB (typically due to too many cookies)
  • An empty response from the origin web server that lacks an HTTP status code or response body
  • Missing response headers or origin web server not returning proper HTTP error responses.

Thank you

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