Rate limits billing

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Question about rate limits billing

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Hello Cloudflare Community,

I’ve been in touch with Cloudflare support about rate limiting on the Pro plan, but I’m hoping the community can help clarify a few points, as the responses so far haven’t fully addressed my questions.

Here’s the current situation:

We were informed that Cloudflare’s Pro plan rate limiting is no longer charged based on the number of requests. However, when we asked about scenarios with high request volumes (for example, 10 million+ requests from a single IP), support mentioned that Cloudflare might throttle or mitigate traffic temporarily to ensure platform stability.
Our main concern is whether these high traffic volumes would incur any additional charges on the Pro plan, or if the only impact would be temporary traffic throttling.
Is there anyone in the community who can confirm if Cloudflare charges extra on the Pro plan for handling such high request volumes? Any insights on hidden thresholds or additional cost implications would be greatly appreciated.

The “Advanced rate limiting” are the new ones, which you should be using and they are unmetered. Meaning Cloudflare does not charge if you are using the Advanced Rate Limiting, while if you’re still having and using old Rate Limiting rules they’re charged.

Helpful article:

From the blog:

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