OK so, this is my first venture into Cloudflare. . . i know i’m WAY behind. . . That being said, my website https://www.radreefs.com seems to randomly have issues with the SSL cert when using google chrome. Everything works fine from Safari. I’ve yet to test FF or IE. Ocassionally I get the following error when accessing the site from Chrome: of course now it’s not sending me the error, but it’s basically saying “you’re usually protected by ssl, but you’re not right now” lol i’ll update with the actual error later.
Hi @kyle5, sorry for the issue you’re hitting. We’ve seen that NET::ERR_CERT error before and have a tip that may help, Community Tip - Fixing NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID. I’d suggest Quick Fix Idea #2, change the ssl setting on your SSL/TLS app.
Please post back and let us know how it goes.
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