Hello, we want to save media files (images, videos, etc.) in R2 and make them publicly available. How is the streaming of videos from R2 calculated? Let’s assume you have a 10-minute video with a 1 GB file size. The user opens the video (HTML video player in the browser) and lets it run completely. How many operations can we expect here?
1GB in one chunk like .mp4 might have to be downloaded in the Web browser for the user and take a lot of time to load and show up, which would result in a bad experience I am afraid.
If possible, I’d rather suggest splitting the particular video file with ffmpeg into smaller .ts chunks and using a .m3u8 list to create a video playback which would work perfectly fine for the end-user without lagg (stuttering, etc.) while skipping some frames or minutes of watching (which could take longer).
Otherwise, I’d use Cloudflare Stream for such case
Wait… why should the video be downloaded completely the first time it is accessed? Every normal web space supports range access / chunk downloads. Are you sure about that?
I’m interested in this issue.
Assume I have a video. How can I stream this video on my website automatically without using Cloudflare streaming?
p/s: Sorry, my English is not good, hope you understand.