For Workes & Pages, what is the name of the domain?
example . com
What is the error message?
What is the issue or error you’re encountering
You REALLY should change the examples you have next to R2 custom domain configuration… I just made my main website down because of these examples: e.g. example . com, www . example . com, shop . example . com
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
Sorry, I don’t want to be unkind, and I really appreciate what you do, all Cloudflare services, generous free tier, etc.
But because of your terrible description and examples next to R2 Custom Domain form I just made my main website down!
And I’m not the only one… I see here many people have similar issues, e.g. from @cheftech from 17 days ago: R2 custom domains
Yet, you still haven’t updated the description and examples next to the form…
I was 100% sure that this setting would allow users to access my files/images only under my main domain (so if I use R2 as CMS storage for images, and I publish these images on my landing page under the main domain, they will be accessible only when user visit my main domain if I configured it in “Public access > custom domain”).
Look at this description from the perspective of a novice in Cloudflare, even better, show it to your parents/spouse or somebody who doesn’t know your services, and ask how they understand this:
Custom domains
When a custom domain is connected to your bucket, the contents of your bucket will be made publicly accessible through that domain. Websites connected can also benefit from Cloudflare features such as bot management, Access, and Cache.
e.g. example . com, www.example . com, shop . example . com
(I had to add spaces because of your very kind limits for new users… only 4 URLs… and your error message deleted the content of the form… thx…)
I see here on the forum you (or other users) recommend using a subdomain, like cdn. or r2. - but it should be explained next to this field in the form, with better examples, that doesn’t suggest putting the main domain in this field…
And not, documentation is not enough: 1) your docs about this aren’t clear, 2) “Don’t let me think” by S.Krug, UX guru, states it clearly: good form doesn’t require checking the docs.
I know, I know, maybe I act as an as…le now, but you just made me put my homepage down, it could be annoying, right?
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
Just add your main domain as a custom domain for R2 Public access… Cloudflare will replace your main A or CNAME DNS record with an R2 record pointing to your R2 bucket = your main page is down, 404 with Cloudflare error page… bravo me…
BTW… I had to write this message 3 times because you have a bug on this forum’s form… It didn’t allow me to use >4 URLs (yes, your examples count…) but after the error, a huge part of my message was gone… I had this issue 2 times… you need to be really determined to help Cloudflare make their services better…