Pseudo IPv4 settings seems to have stopped working

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the error message?

StatusCode = 517

What is the issue you’re encountering

Due to IPV6 hits the SecurePay Magento module is rejecting the connections

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

I don’t know

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Hi Team,

We had updated Pseudo IPv4 setting to ‘Overwrite Headers’ in Network Tab of Cloudflare on 8th March 2022 on our website (Magento) and working fine.

Since 16th October 2024 we are facing issue that IPV6 is accepted and its getting rejected by SecurePay module of Magento as they don’t accept IPV6 connections.

StatusCode = 517 means IPV6 address gets rejected by SecurePay module.

[root@lindy log]# cat payment.log | grep statusCode | tail -n 15
‘statusCode’ => ‘000’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘000’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘517’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘517’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘517’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘000’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘000’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘000’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘000’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘000’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘000’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘000’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘000’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘000’,
‘statusCode’ => ‘000’,
[root@lindy log]#

IPV6 entries sample.

Please suggest.


Hello, Overwrite headers: Overwrite the existing Cf-Connecting-IP and X-Forwarded-For headers with a pseudo IPv4 address. You may log this two header at your origin and see what is the result.

Hi Ikmal,

Thank you for the update, we have already updated /etc/apache2/conf.modules.d/370_mod_remoteip.conf file to to restore original IPs so that we can come to know exact location of countries but all this is not working now.


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