h@@ps://something.example.com that opens the web application (interface)
something. example.com:3030 that is a web socket (secure socket IO, featherJS) server
It works perfectly but I have to disable proxy on Cloudflare (gray cloud)
I decided to use the Load Balancer option of Cloudflare for the https:// to fail over the web app in case of failure but as I understand I have to enable Cloudflare (orange cloud) for this subdomain. If I do this, my clients cannot connect using socket io. The obvious solution would be to separate two services with two domains like
something . example . com for web (ORANGE cloud)
something-node . example . com for socket server (GRAY cloud)
but i can’t since my software is already installed in 5000 pcs and already have hard-coded the same something.example.com for both cases (web+sockets).
I was wondering if that would be possible to proxy (ORANGE cloud) that subdomain and some how exclude the traffic for port 3030 and redirect to original server. I tried with SRV record but I failed, it looks like I cant really understand how it works or maybe its not the proper way to do it.
I haven’t thought this through, but what about for something.example.com, and have your web server forward all http requests to a different subdomain that’s set to ?
if something.example . com is GRAY cloud it will not allow me to use load balancer service on Cloudflare. I want to buy the Load Balancer service for the web app something.example.com
I changed my server port from 3030 to 2083 and now they all work (web + sockets), but my question now, sockets are passed through Cloudflare so I have the limits of the plans listed below? Or they are redirected to my server so I have unlimited connections and I don’t have to worry about plan limits?
The end of that article is CF’s general philosophy: Go ahead and use services respectfully. If you head into heavy load territory, they’ll let you know.
If it’s , then it’s going through Cloudflare. Again, even with 5000 PCs out there, they’re probably not running full speed all the time. And considering you’re probably not running a heavy duty server, your server will bog down before Cloudflare notices an issue.