Proxied large files download network error (direct download from server works)

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?

no error core

What is the error message?

ms edge network error when downloading

What is the issue you’re encountering

proxied large file download works for some time, maybe 25% then shows network error in ms edge. direct download (and sftp uploads to) from server works without issues.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

cloudflare SSL strict (full) is operational and is working with another domain with full file downloads, but with this domain on a different remote server the large files download results in network error. direct download works no issues. so issue must be with cloudflare operation for large file downloads.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

try to download proxied 15gb .mkv file from a dedicated vps server.

cloudflare cache might be the issue, if an incomplete file is in the cache and then stops downloading when the cached file completes.

actually the same proxied large file download also affects the other domain. same network error after some time, even in a new file, not cached before.

The maximum size of a file that can be cached is 512MB other than for Enterprise plans…

Note that delivery of large files using the CDN is not permitted by the Cloudflare ToS. You should consider using Cloudflare R2 or direct download from your origin instead.

I dont require it to be cached, only normal pass through.

Make sure the DNS record for the downloads is set to “DNS only” then.

yeah thats how I downloaded them the working way. so why does not cloudflare support any file size. makes no sense.

Your issue may just be a connection issue between the client and Cloudflare, or Cloudflare and your origin, but delivering large files that way is not permitted by the ToS unless you have an Enterprise plan or use of R2 or other Cloudflare Developer platform product.

so what if my website has large traffic in small files.

No, I think cloudflare just disconnects the too large file download, during the download.

otherwise all the connection to the server vps is working without problems.

I mean proxied web traffic to the server is working perfectly otherwise. no connection problems at any point.

WordPress posts (HTML) and images (up to 500kb), having news portal, traffic 10-20k visitors, generating 1TB web traffic daily, can work fine at Cloudflare :orange:

If you cannot download e.g. 1GB file to your device using your ISP speed within 100 seconds over a proxied :orange: I am afraid the connection timeouts and doesn’t continue.

so the large file limitation is arbitrary (same total amount of small files).
also the file is downloading up to the point it abruptly network errors.

most suspect is cloudflare disconnecting only based on large file size.

the server is on 500mbps and i’m on 1gbps/200mbps. different location, different server.

again, my direct download of the same file from the same server, works just fine, no network error. so its Cloudflare internal issue. either the file size disconnect or their connection to the internet, if they dont forcibly disconnect large files.

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