Protect from spam per country

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?

No error

What is the error message?

No error message

What is the issue you’re encountering

I’m having a lot of spams through one form. The content contains Russian language. I thought the spams were coming from Russia or China. So I created a rule as below but still getting spams. I’ve understood that there are no easy way to get the IP address that are hitting my website (on CF). That way I could understand which country those spams are being sent from, Ay idea ?

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

In Rules > transform rules > have created a rule . Expression generated :
(http.request.uri.path eq “/book-photobooth-online” and eq “RU”) or ( eq “CN”) or ( eq “PH”)

Create the rule as a custom WAF rule for that specific page, or your whole site. You can set it to “challenge” instead of “block” which will stop automated use of the form or just use “log” option to see where the traffic comes from…


Many thanks !!

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