For Workes & Pages, what is the name of the domain?
What is the error number?
ERROR 9422
What is the error message?
ERROR 9422: Free unique transformations by account has been exhausted
What is the issue or error you’re encountering
Cloudflare subscriptions are downgraded weekly. Big Cloudflare bug.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
Weekly I experience visiting my domains/websites to find out that my Cloudflare Image plan is downgraded.
When I visit Cloudflare my domain(s) are downgraded from Pro to Free aswell.
I started a month ago.
What is going on?
@deanne from Cloudflare asked for ticket numbers. Here you go 01225747, 01233233, 01233235, 01248504
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
I upgrade domain(s) weekly from Free to Pro, and I re-subscribe to Cloudflare images. A week later it is downgraded again.
Someone from the Support or Billing team will respond to you on the 01248504 ticket, if not already. I believe someone from the billing team will take a look at your case and respond to your ticket. Please rest assured that Cloudflare is addressing these matters internally since recent Billing migration.
Questions about billing will need to be resolved by the Customer Support team and cannot be resolved on the Community as far as I am not an employee of Cloudflare.
Ok. So Cloudflare is already aware of paid products being downgraded automatically causing issues for website owners? Do you have any idea on when it should be solved?
Reporting (again) to the “customer support” is a great idea. I did so, a few weeks ago. They don’t answer.