Problems with performances

Hello community ! I have still problems with performances :confused:

  1. Images

I have : Serve scaled images: is resized in HTML or CSS from 360x640 to 100x100. Serving a scaled image could save 26.3KiB (95% reduction). is resized in HTML or CSS from 360x640 to 100x100. Serving a scaled image could save 22.9KiB (95% reduction). is resized in HTML or CSS from 352x640 to 100x100. Serving a scaled image could save 19.7KiB (95% reduction). is resized in HTML or CSS from 270x480 to 100x100. Serving a scaled image could save 9.2KiB (92% reduction). is resized in HTML or CSS from 638x360 to 100x56. Serving a scaled image could save 4.8KiB (97% reduction). is resized in HTML or CSS from 207x207 to 60x60. Serving a scaled image could save 1.9KiB (91% reduction).

But I have Polish activated and Imagify.

  1. JS and HTTP requests

I have also problems with Make fewer HTTP requests and Defer parsing of JavaScript , or I have RocketLoader activated :frowning:

More details here:

Thanks for your excellent replies :slight_smile:


Cloudflare doesn’t offer a service to resize images in this fashion. You can modify the sizing, re-upload and then clear the previous files from the cache.

Ok I understand :slight_smile:

And what about others problems in gtmtrix? I installed Fats Velocity but it doesn’t make anything hahahah

Thanks for your replies :slight_smile:

your problems other than scaled images-

  1. inline small javascript and css- use the combine and minify css and js feature in any plugin like autoptimize and w3 total cache if you are using wordpress
  2. defer parsing of js- load js in the footer and asychronous. you can also set that in above mentioned plugins

Thank you a lot!!

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