Hello everyone, I have a very strange problem, I have added Cloudflare without problems to several domains of a Centos server with Plesk, and yet there is one, https://www.tourisimo.es that does not solve and I have tried everything. The Dns in Plesk are correct, like the other domains.
This is the log when I accest to the page:
2019-11-09 11:44:52 Access 301 GET / HTTP/1.1
Here is the standard info on the error I get when accessing the page, however being on a partner setup, you may get more help by contacting the provider you configured Cloudflare through.
The errors âThe page isnât redirecting properlyâ or âERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTSâ indicates a redirect loop between Cloudflare and your origin server. The easiest fix for this is to remove the redirect on your origin server. For a more detailed set of options, review the troubleshooting suggestions in this Community Tip.
Hi, I think its no problem of Cloudflare, if I upload a file called index.html work fine. But when add the wordpress page made a lo of redirections!, Im crazy, try a lot of options and nothing.
I suspect that there may be an issue with the partner setup in this case, on the DNS tab for the domain in Cloudflare, does it show âDNS managed by a partnerâ or does it show a list of DNS records?
At this point I am afraid I can only refer you to your hostâs support. Your setup should be okay at this point and if it isnt there might be something broken. @domjh raised an excellent point, if you set up your domain in different ways you might have ended up with a broken configuration, but unfortunately you didnt answer that particular question earlier.
Your host will be your best point of contact for the time being.
thanks for your help, finally I deactivate Cloudflare, and when I have the control in Wordpress want install the plugin Cloudflare redirect and try again.