Problem with adding a domain on Cloudflare - sites

What is the name of the domain? +

What is the error number?

No number

What is the error message?

could not run legacy post zone sub request against new zone products: failed to update user subscription: failed to apply object products: You cannot add or modify subscriptions or services until the outstanding balance is paid. You should be able to do so in your Billing page.

What is the issue you’re encountering

Billling error

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Nothing works, i just get this error:

could not run legacy post zone sub request against new zone products: failed to update user subscription: failed to apply object products: You cannot add or modify subscriptions or services until the outstanding balance is paid. You should be able to do so in your Billing page.

In what area can we help you?

I don’t know

Screenshot of the error

You’ll need to follow these directions here, Billing, Plans & Subscription Questions


It still does not work.

Dont have any invoice or stuff like that.

Any ideas to what to do next?

It is kinda critical that i got these to domænes moved to my account. No help?

What exactly did the Customer Support agent tell you, in the ticket you have created, that didn’t work?

And what ticket number?

Hey DarkDeviL

Am not allowed to open an case. It is on the freeplan.

i only want to transfer the domænes to my account on [email protected], but your system have an error. Where to go from here?

Customers on the Free plan CAN create Account, Billing and Registrar tickets, if the issue fits in to one of these types.

Some issues, such as these, do require a ticket, regardless of which plan you’re on.

But Free plan customers CANNOT create tickets for technical support, such as requesting assistance on how to create DNS records.

I’m under the impression that you said above, that you do not have any unpaid invoices on your Cloudflare account, regardless of where you’re looking.

Because of that, you MUST create a ticket, so that a Customer Support agent can have a look at your account.


  2. Select Billing, as the type of question, and Upgrades as the area.

  1. Explain while creating this ticket, that you are not able to find any unpaid invoices on your Cloudflare account, and need someone to look in to your account, to figure out why it is happening (as well as hopefully to fix the problem with your Cloudflare account).
    → You may also want to refer to this Cloudflare Community thread, indicating that you were sent to them from here.

  2. Please share the ticket number here, when you have successfully created one.

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Hey there, and thanks for the help.

The casenumber is: 01382873

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