Hello, user i just changed my name server for my domain villageoffers.com. set name server of 1&1 hosting, previously it hosted from 000webhost, for ssl i used Cloudflare, but now after install new wordpress in new server(1&1) the changes now update on my pc. even i cannot login my dashboard. i cleared my browser cookies and cache. but it load over Cloudflare server, even if i disable (bypass the yellow cloud sign in dns section) the Cloudflare for the domain then just my site not load over https. but is show the previous for me. how it fixed.
thank you.
current page view
Because you changed nameservers, Cloudflare is no longer involved with your hosting. If you still want to use Cloudflare, update the DNS records in Cloudflare and then change the nameservers back.
no i don’t want the Cloudflare, i want my original site but it not load on my pc.
it steel lode over Cloudflare for my ip only
you can see here
If you aren’t using Cloudflare then there isn’t much anyone here can do to help.
It is quite possible that your DNS servers (your ISP, or whatever host you use) are caching the old (Cloudflare) nameservers, if so your options are to wait it out or to set your Cloudflare DNS records to match what the new host provides.
Actually i no need Cloudflare no more, because my new server give ssl, so it can be conflict
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