Hello, A couple of months ago, I tried to restore the site to go through the cloduflare infrastructure again and it said that I have an unpaid bill and that I should pay it first. I went to the billing dash and paid the bill. However, even after payment, it did not allow me to connect the site. As I was not in a hurry to transfer the site from the old infrastructure due to the loans that expired at the beginning of 2025, I said that it might take time for the payment to be implemented and visible. So a few months have passed and today I decide to switch the page, but the page still says Pending setup and when I select the free plan and press continue, the same message appears as a few months ago that there is an unpaid bill on the account. When I go to the billing section, it says paid for all the bills and still cant connect site. website is in Add affected domains (TEHIX.HR) Please help and best regards.
Billing issues requre a Billing ticket with Support
Dont wory for fast answer, by end of 12. month i send ticket, few days after i answered on email i get to track my ticket and last few day ago i did again and nobody answer me for i think same problem.
I writed on discord i didnt got answer, i writed here i didnt got answer. Sadly my job and my website was few time down because of problem that is global realy global i can se a lot of users are having same problem, a lot of topic opened, a lot of questions on discord and with same answer of support (NO ANSWER).
Unfortunately, I had to find an alternative due to the weakness of the entire system and the entire team here at Cloudflare, I am very disappointed with the degree to which users are treated.
I hope it will help someone, my alternative is Bunny I thought whether I should write this or not, but I have to share my experience here, I have been waiting for an answer for almost 2 months from Cloudflare, for a problem that is obviously hidden from the public eye! While on the other hand I found alternative and because of some irrelevant things that bothered me i needed to send ticket to support and i got a response from support within an hour.
I don’t want to offend anyone, but with small gestures in one hand, your competition bought me, and that is very open and cordial customer support. Who does not avoid answers, and I have seen this with my own eyes, and does not wave her hand.