Pro site missing Pro features

At 20.00 CET, my site just dropped all paid for features. In CF dash it says current plan is Pro but if I try to change any settings they say “Upgrade to Pro” to unlock the feature.

No unpaid bills in billing, and so far it’s only for one of my sites.
What’s up Cloudflare? See no issues listed in your cloudflare status?

Site with APO and caching disabled is no fun experience.

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An update… it’s all sites that I’m getting billed anmually.
Very very ■■■■ to raise monthly pricing, and then not making sure that pro plan works on annual billing.

The sites only have 3 rules available (should have 20), APO, more advanced WAF etc. All of those features shows “upgrade to pro” in dashboard, but if you click the upgrade button the plan already shows as pro.

You are not alone we have the same issue.
It started about the same time for us.
We had to activate Under Attack mode.
There is no WAF.
We have opened few tickets but no any sign from CF.

Yes, same problem. I created a technical support ticket half a day ago. Still no answer.

Same here, opened ticket with no response. Unable to change any WAF rules because we got more then 5 rules on the pro plan that’s no longer pro. Annual billing btw

The issue has been flagged…



We are sorry for any issues the incident (Cloudflare Status - Issues with Cloudflare's Pay-as-you-Go Plans) has caused. We are working on this as our top priority right now to deploy a fix. Furthermore, we will have further communications on this post when the incident has been resolved. We appreciate your patience in regard to this incident.

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