Pointing a Cloudflare domain to Hostinger

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

I can’t point my domain to Hostinger because I can’t change the nameservers

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have added DNS CNAME records

What feature, service or problem is this related to?


You can’t change the nameservers for a domain registered with Cloudflare Registrar as is indicated at the time of purchase.

You can use an A record to point at your Hostinger hosting as here…

If you still want to change the nameservers instead, you will have to transfer your domain out to another registrar.

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I tried using an A Record but it gives me error when I try putting an IP address as Content.

Can you show a screenshot?

It didn’t allow me to add an A record using the IP address, but it worked when I tried editing it. So now it looks like in the screenshot. Is this correct now?

If those are the records Hostinger has asked you to set, then that should work.

Once it is working you may be able to switch the records to “Proxied” - without that any Cloudflare features or protections set in your account won’t be applied as requests will go direct to Hostinger.

Make sure your Cloudflare SSL/TLS setting is set to “Full (strict)” here…


Hi again, so it hasn’t worked. My domain still isn’t connected to Hostinger. It’s been a week.

Your DNS record is still “DNS only” and pointing to which is a Hostinger IP address. Your site loads ok for me using the domain. You seem to have removed the www record…

As Cloudflare is only providing DNS, and with the IP address you have set, any issue you may be having you’ll need to talk to Hostinger about.

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I talked to Hostinger and they suggested I remove the CNAME record so that is what I did. The DNS propagation looks completed to me, but the Hostinger website insists that the domain isn’t connected. Should I turn proxy on then?

Can you show a screenshot?

You don’t want to manage your DNS records at Hostinger, you are managing them at Cloudflare, so that can be ignored.

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