Cloudflare says Pending Nameserver Update despite me disabling DNSSEC, changing the nameservers, and verifying that the nameservers are active via the whois command.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
The domain recently expired. It got autoremoved from cloudflare. The domain got renewed. I tried re adding the domain back to cloudflare to no avail.
I have:
Disabled DNSSEC on namecheap
Added the two nameservers to namecheap. ENSURED they’re spelled correctly
Removed the domain from cloudflare (it was still pending) and re added it
Contacted namecheap support
Hasn’t changed.
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
Otherwise, check that the correct 2 nameservers are set (they change whenever you delete the add the domain to Cloudflare) and you have spelt your domain correctly when adding to Cloudflare.