Payment made for cloudflare business but my account still shows free plan

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

I have made payment for cloudflare business for 1 year but my account for domain still reflected as a free plan

The website shows as pending in your account. Contact your domain registrar and ask them to remove DNSSEC. Then, your site will be active and the plan selection will be applied. Let us know if that is not the case.

Hi Cloonan, I want to use the Partial (CNAME) setup for my domain and maintaining the authoritative DNS on my end. That is why I choose cloudflare business. As per my understanding I should copy the Verification TXT Record in the overview page to my DNS, but this TXT record does not exist as I am still on a trial based which does not support partial setup.

Please assist me in changing my account from trial to business from your end as I have paid the fees for 1 year in full as for a trial account I also don’t have any other support mode (chat / calls) other than raising this issue in cloudflare community. Thanks.

Hi Cloonan, It turns out that I have accidentally made double payment for cloudflare business IN-8075575 and IN-8154185. Please kindly assist in cancelling one of them.

I have submitted a ticket # 01056104 but I can monitor the ticket as I am still on a trial account.

Please cloudflare staff help speed up or escalate my ticket since I havent heard from cust service for below problems:

Ticket # 01056104 - I was charged two times for business subscription ($2400 x 2). Please cancel one of them.

Ticket # 01056228 - My account for domain still reflected as free plan eventough I have paid business subscription in full for 1 year

Hi @irawan.sandra I flagged your topic for my colleagues in Support and they have escalated your ticket to a Billing Support agent to assist. I see that agent has enlisted the engineering team to assist in a reply to you a few minutes ago. Sorry for the delays.

Hi @irawan.sandra I flagged your topic for my colleagues in Support and they have escalated your ticket to a Billing Support agent to assist. I see that agent has enlisted the engineering team to assist in a reply to you a few minutes ago. Sorry for the delays.

Once the plan type is correctly applied you should be able to proceed with the Convert to CNAME DNS Setup process.

Thank you, @cloonan How will the engineering team contact me? Is it through this thread in community or by email because as we are using free plan our support mode is limited. Up to now there have been no contact made by engineering team to me either by email or other modes.

It will be via email. I will add myself to the ticket so that I also receive updates.

Thanks @cloonan FYI up until now I havent receive any update. I am just bafled how in the subscription tab it shows my invoice as paid but the product remains free plan. (See attached image)

Still no update as of today

Hi @cloonan are there any updates for my tickets? I still cannot access the dashboard menu “Support - My Activities - All Tickets” to monitor the progress of my tickets due to error in cloudflare end.

Hi @cloonan are there any update for this case? Thanks.

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Hi @irawan.sandra the Support team replied on your ticket about a month ago indicating the charges were refunded. If that is not the case, can you respond on 01056104 and let them know?

Please also let us know here and we’ll flag it for our colleagues.

Hi @cloonan it is impossible for the charges to be refunded a month ago as we are a new customer who were double invoiced only on 28 August (invoice # IN-8075575) and 29 August (invoice IN-8154185).

Please have support team to really look at my account and fix my problems:
User Account:
The problem is simple:

  1. I was double invoiced and I want one of them to be refunded (01056104)
  2. My account still shows free plan instead of the already paid business subscription (01056228)

Our finance team are really upset about this, please escalate the matter before I lose my job

I see you have a lot of tickets regarding this and have just forwarded the list of those to my colleague in Support

Hi @cloonan are there any updates for my tickets especially 01056104 (I was double invoiced and I want one of them to be refunded).

It is almost 20 days and I still got no single reassuring email reply from support team for my tickets. Please we need to get the refund for the double payment.

Hi @cloonan please provide update for 01056104. This problem has been going on for almost a month and I havent got response from real human from support, only autonomous reply from bot which clearly does not resolve this problem of double invoicing on my end.