Page Rules not working for new domains

I’ve been using cloudflare for quite long (more than a few years) and just had a very strange problem.

I created two page rules (one for wp-admin) for WordPress, both with set to bypass cache. But when I checked the analytics, cloudflare was caching more than 80% of traffic although it shouldn’t cache and cf-cache was DYNAMIC.

I’ve configured cloudflare before changing ns record, so it should be impossible for cloudflare to cache contents of my page with the rules set.

I also enabled rocket loader on one of above rules, but it never worked even I waited for a few hours. Then I enabled rocket loader on Speed, and it just went smoothly without any problems.

My guess is that page rules for newly added domains may not be working for some reason. My other domains already on cloudflare work perfectly though…

Domain? And post a screenshot of your page rules.

Right now, cache is set to bypass but status is HIT.

  1. cf-cache-status:HIT
  2. cf-ray: 53309c5c1a449449-NRT

Can’t post domain name public, but ID is d1b23fa1e9560b2904a21e678edd3f05. This is my client account.

That is pretty useless in a community context.

If you cant divulge the domain we can only refer you to support.

The only thing I could offer is that you run a check of the domain at and post the time here when you ran the check.

Which time exactly do you need?

If you meant for screen shot, here it is.

Your resources seem to be properly cached. Your main document is not, but that is the default. What would you expect to happen?

CF shouldn’t cache, but the system is ignoring page rules.

I’ve been a user for long time, have setup page rules for many sites so far. But only for this domain which I setup today, isn’t working as expected.

It should also enable rocket loader, but to debug I’m only testing with bypass cache.

Shouldnt cache what? Nothing at all?

If that is the case I can only reiterate that you need to post a screenshot of your page rules. You can redact the domain part if you want.

Without knowing the domain, it is more likely that the page rule or priority order is incorrect than Cloudflare is ignoring the settings in the rule.

1 Like bypass cache

This is interesting, with the same rule, cloudflare acts differently.

Site A: HIT
Site D: HIT

@sandro Multiple accounts including client accounts are having troubles with page rules (symptoms described above), so I opened a ticket last night. Just waiting for their first response right now.

So to answer my own question, your rule has been formatted, so it is difficult to tell what is exactly is, but it seem to be a catch-all rule. Most likely it will be a priority issue but only a screenshot could confirm that.

Over to support however :wink:

Every site has the same page rule set.

But every site acts differently, that’s where it’s confusing me the most.

It’d have been much easier if every site had errors :wink: