Page rule isn't applied to domain. What am I doing wrong?

Recently did I change a subdomain I set up using a CNAME entry from to

To avoid broken links for those I shared in the past did I now set up a page rule with the following options:

  • Setting is Forwarding URL with 301 - Permanent Redirect set as status code
  • URL is set to*
  • Destination URL is set to$1

When I now try to access (or any sub-page for that matter) is my browser (Firefox) returning a “Site not found” error.

To be clear: I’ve had a CNAME entry with key itemsadder set up that links to github pages (<username> This CNAME has been renamed to addons and is working as expected (Displays the page behind it).

Do I need a separate CNAME entry just for the sub-domain to properly redirect? Can/should it be an A-record pointing to the same IP as the main domain does?

From testing, it seems like I do need to have a DNS record to make it work. For now it’s a CNAME entry pointing at my GH pages domain, even tho GitHub doesn’t have any configurations pointing at it…

That’s correct, you can use pretty much any :orange: record.

More and an example IP you can use here:

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